Natalia Galvan’s post (Studiofloral) wedding in Barcelona

This week we are pleased to have on the blog of Heretat Sabartés our stylist Natalia Galvan. She is responsible for giving touches of color to every couple who have decided to spend one of the most magical days of their lives on our estate (wedding in Barcelona). We hope you like it!

“Today I want to talk about colors. Both in the decoration of our environments, dresings, advertising, colors are extremely important when it comes to induce emotions and intervene in processes by which we decide whether something we like it or not. Definitely determines if we remain in a restaurant or we run out of a store.In this lovely space that I adore, the callenge is to decorate every corner to make a charming environment for couples and guests. So, it is also essential to define a palette.This choice of colors will work as a starting point to get all the elements of the different spaces where they will spend the day and will provide continuity and harmony. And most important, it will generate and reflect the emotions that are important to every couple.It seems far-fetched but for a good professional it is usually simple and for most couples mainly intuitive.Coming up from the palette, floral materials and accessories that fit are defined. Finally the forms are fixed.As an example, a beautiful palette that is gaining strength this year is the combined green, turquoise and yellow  

wedding in Barcelona by options 

Translated to floral materials, we can work with Echeveria, succulent plants in general and leaves of Eucalypthus. We can get the yellow touch with Achillea or Craspedia and why not, if it is a summer wedding, with lemon or pineapple.     

wedding in Barcelona

If we seek a delicate, soft and romantic effect we can combine pinks, creams and even a golden point that will bring character and elegance. 

wedding in Barcelona

design-seeds by options

Within this palette variety of materials is huge. However, I will mention only the most attractive as Hydrangea, Rose David Austin, the Dahlia or Peonias 

wedding in Barcelona by Heretat Sabartés  

So, now, pick the colors and then play with the materials to get the perfect decoration for your day!”We would love to hear your questions or comments and try to help as much as possible.

See you soon.


Natalia Galvan


(wedding in Barcelona)